A beginning in Portland
I like portland. The last few days have gone well. I’m ready for burning man. And I’m signing a lease on a studio this afternoon. The apartment is about 8 minutes by bike from school so I’m really excited about the commute. I hope winter will not prevent me from biking. I have been walking a LOT. It’s been good.
The apartment isn’t as cheap as I like but it should be very nice I think. Its reasonably large and has good sized windows that open well. Heat, water, garbage, sewage and even electricity are included in a flat rate utility fee. So at least there shouldn’t be any unexpectedly high bills. Also the building would allow me to move to another apartment in the same building for pretty cheap if I want to later. That way I could ungrade if I want to later. We will see. Also the lease is only 6 months so I am not tied down for long.
I’ve met a lot of good people. Half of them being the burning man crowd, but half of them from other things which is good because I don’t want to only know crazy hippy types.
I have not yet had a chance to visit my school. I’ve just been insanely busy. I will go up there once I get back to portland from burning man. I have been by my school though and I’m confident I will be able to get there easily when from my apartment.
People are really nice here and I really need to unlearn some of my NYCisms. They don’t apply here. The bus system is very nice and the street cars and trains are good. It is weird though that the trains actually run down the street.
Portland really is a bit like a huge lawrence, KS. Nice people, polite drivers. I think I will be at home hear quickly.
The flight in also went well. We flew by mount hood. It was beautiful.
Also since I started writing this I have actually signed my lease. So I have a place to live and I’m set to move in. I will still need to spend one night in the hostel when I get back from the burn, but I will move in the next morning. Then I will start working on settling in.
Right now I am in a mexican resturant having a victory lunch. And tomorrow at 3AM I will leave for burning man. I’m excited.
Posted in Life (other than code)
8:58 pm
You want to know people OTHER than crazy hippy types? :O Why? :)
I am curious. Talk more about these NYCisms you have to unlearn. When you get back from Burning Man and you have a minute.
12:49 pm
I hope Burning Man is going well. That is all.