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Security Theater in NYC

So I was stopped for a bag check in the subway again (second time in 5 years, so it’s not exactly common). And it really is a farce. They ask you to open the main pocket of the bag and then they look in. That’s all. It only takes maybe 15 seconds which is nice. But really!! Do they actually think they will ever see anything?!

If someone really wanted to get something illegal (or, say, something explosive) on to the subway all they would need to do is put legitimate stuff on top of it in there bag (Like a text book). They don’t really check anything. Interestingly, they don’t even touch your bag. They ask you to open it for them. It an obvious case of “Security Theater”.

That being said I’m kinda glad really. I didn’t really feel like my privacy was invaded and if it makes other people feel safer in the subway maybe it’s a good thing (Other people have talked about his). Though it is a system ripe for abuse. It would be very easy for cops to start doing real checks but only on people who have been profiled to be “dangerous” (say young black men and middle-easter looking folks). And that would be a really big problem and really despicable. I have heard people say this is already happening to some extent and I don’t doubt it, but I have not seen it my self and I’ve been to lazy to do any research.

Posted in Life (other than code)

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